- TypeScript 6 0create-app Fast scaffolding for TypeScript projects
- Astro 3 0astro-background-image Simple BackgroundImage component for astro
- Dockerfile 1 0docker-node-opencv-cuda Working OpenCV+CUDA Docker image for your Node.js applications.
- Ruby 102 40docker-compose-gitlab-ce Compose file for Gitlab Community Edition
- TypeScript 1 0aoc-2022-typescript TypeScript Advent of Code 2022
- Rust 1 0aoc-2022-rust Rust Advent of Code 2022
- JavaScript 7 0babel-plugin-module-name-mapper Babel plugin to alias module resolution with monorepo support
- JavaScript 4 0babel-plugin-directory-resolver Babel plugin to customize directory resolution
- TypeScript 1 0antd-extended Extended AntDesign components
- TypeScript 1 0antd-hook-form AntDesign compatible components for react-hook-form
- TypeScript 1 0antd-place-picker AntDesign powered PlacePicker leveraging react-map-gl
- JavaScript 5718 1373angular-strap AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3.
- CSS 0 0css-in-js null
- JavaScript 7 0babel-plugin-component-resolver 🚧 This module is deprecated and not maintained anymore
- JavaScript 7 6angular-jquery 🚧 This module is deprecated and not maintained anymore
- JavaScript 12 3babel-plugin-relative-import 🚧 This module is deprecated and not maintained anymore
- Shell 121 46ansible-web-playbooks Set of playbooks roles to orchestrate your web servers, powered by Ansible.
- Shell 7 1docker-unifi Docker image for Ubiquiti Unifi Controller
- Shell 28 10docker-compose-tick-stack Compose file for the TICK stack: Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor
- Shell 2 2docker-node Docker image for NodeJS
- CSS 83 42bootstrap-additions CSS extension kit for Twitter Bootstrap 3.0+
- Makefile 12 4docker-node-opencv Docker image for NodeJS with OpenCV
- Shell 0 0docker-bitcoin-unlimited Run bitcoin-unlimited from a docker container
- JavaScript 310 67angular-pull-to-refresh CSS3 Pull-to-Refresh directive for AngularJS
- Shell 0 0docker-node-openbr Docker image for NodeJS with OpenBR
- PHP 42 8cake_websocket WebSocket Client for CakePHP.
- CSS 448 88angular-motion Fancy CSS3 animations for AngularJS 1.2+.
- JavaScript 2 0angular-webpack-factory Lean yet powerful starter-kit to build modern Angular applications.
- Makefile 1 0docker-supervisord-build Base docker supervisord image with ssh enabled
- JavaScript 0 0babel-preset-angular Babel preset for angular
- Objective-C 13 10cordova-plugin-volume-control Cordova Volume Control Plugin
- JavaScript 3 0bower-angular2-build null
- JavaScript 4 2babel-core Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
- JavaScript 0 0babylon Babylon is a JavaScript parser used in Babel.
- Objective-C 17 7cordova-plugin-unity Integrate Unity in your Cordova projects
- Makefile 0 0docker-supervisord null
- Objective-C 7 4cordova-secureudid Cordova ARC plugin for SecureUDID
- JavaScript 0 3bower-cordova Bower repository for Cordova
- JavaScript 40 9angular-cordova Cordova/PhoneGap services for AngularJS
- CSS 126 35angular-7min Angular Seven Minute Workout sample mobile app w/ Cordova
- Objective-C 34 16cordova-pickerview Cordova ARC plugin for UIPickerView
- JavaScript 20 1angular-touch-nav Touch navigation plugin for AngularJS
- Objective-C 99 48cordova-push-notification Cordova ARC plugin for Push Notifications
- JavaScript 20 3angular-resource-collection Backbone-like collections for AngularJS resources
- JavaScript 46 2angular-overflow-scroll CSS3 Overflow Scroll directive for AngularJS
- JavaScript 0 0bower-angular-resource-master Bower package for the master branch of AngularJS Resource
- Objective-C 94 43cordova-facebook-connect Cordova ARC plugin for the Facebook SDK
- PHP 4 1cake_assetic CakePHP Assetic Plugin
- Objective-C 7 5cordova-messagebox Cordova ARC plugin for UIAlertView
- Objective-C 14 12cordova-actionsheet Cordova ARC plugin for UIActionSheet
- Objective-C 1 0cordova-authorization-status Cordova ARC plugin for AuthorizationStatus
- JavaScript 9 1angular-bone Backbone services for Angular
- Objective-C 2 2cordova-plugin-seed Cordova ARC plugin seed template
- PHP 1 0cloud-testing null
- PHP 3 0cake.mg.utils Some utilities for CakePHP
- PHP 1 0cake.facebook CakePHP Facebook Plugin
- PHP 1 0cake.mg.workers The workers plugin enables you to quickly set up worker daemons on linux & windows (cygwin), handle queue processing (with isAlive pid check) and distributing work to extensible tasks.
- TypeScript 0 0ant-design 🐜 A UI Design Language
- TypeScript 0 0bases Hosts TSConfigs to extend in a TypeScript app, tuned to a particular runtime environment
- 0 0cronjs Javascript cron parser, validator, evaluator and describer with support for special flags (L, W, # and ?) for Node and Browser
- C 0 0Configurations Configurations for Marlin Firmware
- Java 30 14cordova-plugin-brightness A phonegap 3.x plugin for brightness control within android and ios
- JavaScript 0 0arena An interactive UI dashboard for Bee Queue
- Shell 0 0docker-syncthing Syncthing as a docker image
- Shell 1 1docker-nginx-proxy Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen
- Shell 0 0docker-borgbackup borgbackup in docker
- JavaScript 0 0css-hot-loader This is a css hot loader, which support hot module replacement for an extracted css file.
- JavaScript 0 0create-react-app Create React apps with no build configuration.
- JavaScript 0 0bull A NodeJS persistent job and message queue based on Redis
- JavaScript 0 0benchmark-kaizoumark My personal blog
- Java 0 0cordova-plugin-email-composer Edit and send email messages
- JavaScript 0 0css-loader css loader module for webpack
- Makefile 0 0Arduino-Makefile Makefile for Arduino sketches. It defines the workflows for compiling code, flashing it to Arduino and even communicating through Serial.
- JavaScript 0 0copy-webpack-plugin Copy files and directories in webpack
- C++ 0 0Adafruit-PN532 Arduino library for SPI and I2C access to the PN532 RFID/Near Field Communication chip
- JavaScript 0 0babel Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
- TypeScript 0 0angular null
- C++ 2 0arduino_tween A tweening library for Arduino/Teensy built on Pennings easing equations
- C++ 0 0Adafruit_NeoPixel Neo Pixels!
- C++ 0 0Adafruit_NeoMatrix Adafruit_GFX-compatible library for NeoPixel grids
- Arduino 0 0arduino firmata firmware for arduino
- JavaScript 0 0bluebird Bluebird is a full featured promise library with unmatched performance.
- JavaScript 0 0cordova-plugin-file Mirror of Apache Cordova Plugin file
- JavaScript 0 0angular.js null
- Python 0 0ansible Model-driven configuration management, multi-node deployment/orchestration, and remote task execution system. Uses SSH by default, so no special software has to be installed on the nodes you manage. Ansible can be extended in any language.
- CSS 3 0angular-carousel Mobile friendly AngularJS carousel
- Shell 0 0docker-ubuntu Ubuntu Dockerfile for Trusted Builds.
- JavaScript 0 0bootstrap Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development.
- JavaScript 0 0cordova-push-plugin Push Notification Plugin for iOS and Android
- JavaScript 0 0cdnjs Our goal is to operate this CDN in a peer reviewed fashion.
- JavaScript 0 0bower-angular Bower package for the stable branch of AngularJS
- JavaScript 0 0debug tiny node.js & browser debugging utility for your libraries and applications
- JavaScript 0 0bootstrap-daterangepicker Date range picker component for Twitter Bootstrap
- JavaScript 0 2bootstrap-timepicker A simple timepicker component for Twitter Bootstrap
- Objective-C 0 1cordova-ios Mirror of Apache Cordova iOS
- JavaScript 0 1bootstrap-datepicker A datepicker for @twitter bootstrap forked from Stefan Petre's (of eyecon.ro), improvements by @eternicode
- PHP 2 1assetic Asset Management for PHP
- JavaScript 0 0angular-seed Seed project for angular apps.
- PHP 2 0cake_utils Utils Plugin for CakePHP
- PHP 1 0cake.linkedin LinkedIn API support for Cakephp. I'm not sure what layers it will all go in yet.